Diploma in Nursing

JPT/BPP(R3/0913/4/0044)10/29, (MQA/FA4852)
Duration of Study
3 Years
6 Semesters
Intake Period

Enter into a noble profession that gives endless possibilities for career options. This Diploma programme will equip you with the skills and knowledge in the areas of health, behavioral and nursing sciences to provide you with a solid foundation for a rewarding career as a healthcare provider.

You will also be exposed to hands-on training at both public and private healthcare institutions. By the end of the programme you will be ready for an exciting career in nursing.

Diploma in Nursing
Made for compassionate future nurse.

Entry Requirements

SPM or its equivalent

­5 credits in SPM (or its equivalent) in Bahasa Melayu (Malaysians only), Mathematics, Science + 2* other subjects; or 

*3 other subjects for international students 


­Grade C in 5 subjects including Bahasa Melayu (Malaysians only), Mathematics, Science + 2* subjects; or

*3 other subjects for international students

UEC  Grade B in 3 subjects, including Bahasa Melayu, Mathematics, and Science; or 
Assistant Nurse Certificate / Community Nurse Certificate
  • Pass SPM
  • Registered with Nursing Board and has a current Annual Practicing Certificate
  • 3 years of clinical working experience 

*International students with qualifications from educational systems where English language is the main medium of instruction are exempted from this requirement.

International students who do not fulfill the English Language Requirements may join the Intensive English Programme at Nilai University which builds their skills in the language and prepares them for the Linguaskill examination.


English Language Requirements (for international students)*


  • Pass for DIN
  • Credit for BSN 
UEC Pass 
Linguaskill 160
MUET 4.0
TOEFL 8 (Ess OL) / 46 (iBT)
Pearson 51
OET 200
ELS  108


Health Requirements

All offers are subject to the students being certified by a medical practitioner as fit to be accepted into the programme within a month from commencement of the nursing programme and not having any of the following medical/physical conditions:

  • HIV & AIDS

Other qualifications which are not included in the Nursing Standard Programme by Lembaga Jururawat Malaysia (LJM) need to get approval from LJM and Nilai University Registrar.

Programme Module

Foundational (Behavioral Science)

  • Communication. Counselling and Reflection

Basic Medic Science

  • Anatomy and Physiology I
  • Anatomy and Physiology II
  • Microbiology and Parasitology
  • Pharmacology and Nutrition

Behavioural Science

  • Psychology
  • Sociology and Medicolegal aspects of Nursing

Research and Statistics

  • Research and Statistics

Nursing Science

  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Nursing
  • Communicable Diseases
  • Community Health Nursing and Gerontology
  • Emergency, Trauma and Critical Care Nursing
  • Fundamentals of Nursing
  • Gastrointestinal and Endocrine Nursing
  • Haematology and lntegumentary Nursing
  • Infection and Inflammation, Autoimmune and
  • Mental Health Nursing
  • Neurology and Musculoskeletal Nursing
  • Nursing Management and Administration
  • Obstetric Nursing
  • Paediatric Nursing
  • Perioperative Care; Fluid and Electrolyte
  • Reproductive and Nephro-urinary Nursing
  • Sensorineural Nursing

Mata Pelajaran Umum

  • Penghayatan Etika dan Perabadan (Malaysian Students) / Bahasa Melayu Komunikasi 1 (International Students)
  • Graduate Preparatory Course
  • Food and Culture / Environment and Development in Malaysia
  • Co-Curriculum

Malay Language (only for Malaysian student with qualification other than SPM)

  • Bahasa Kebangsaan A

Industrial Training (Nursing Science Practical)

  • Clinical Practice I (Fundamentals of Nursing)
  • Clinical Practice II (Pharmacology Perioperative Care)
  • Clinical Practice Ill (Autoimmune, Communicable, Haematology and lntegumentary Nursing)
  • Clinical Practice IV (Gastrointestinal, Endocrine, Cardiovascular and Respiratory Nursing)
  • Clinical Practice V (Reproductive, Nephro-urinary, Neurology and Musculoskeletal)
  • Clinical Practice VI (Mental Health and Sensorineural Nursing)
  • Clinical Practice VII (Obstetrics and Paediatrics)
  • Clinical Practice VIII (Community Health Nursing)
  • Clinical Practice IX (Critical Care, Emergency and Gerontology)
  • Clinical Practice X (Management)
  • Clinical Practice XI (Internship)

Programme Pathway

nursing pathway

Career Prospects

Here are some of the career options to choose from after you’ve graduated as a nurse:

  • Registered Nurse
  • Neonatal Nurse
  • Nurse Midwife
  • Pediatric Nurse
  • Nurse Anesthetist
  • Licensed Practical Nurse
  • Nurse Practitioner


Nilai University offers scholarships for students from various backgrounds, with the goal of helping students grow to be well-rounded and ambitious individuals and allowing them to reach their goals through quality education. We achieve this by combining academic excellence with a growth mindset for life-long learning.